Dental Week During Lockdown

August is usually a very special month at IMDS, we celebrate dental week with all our lovely centers and patients! Due to Sydney’s lockdown this year, we were unable to celebrate in person but we didn’t let it stop us! Over 60 childcare centers and 200 children joined us over zoom for the dental week show!

Dr. Rand & Toothy had lots of fun showing our lovely friends how to look after their general health & oral care during lockdown!
They discussed the importance of teeth, why we should look after them, how to brush our teeth well, what is flossing, and how to floss! We also discussed foods – everyday foods VS sometimes foods and which ones are better for our teeth.
Of course, we didn’t forget to discuss the importance of visiting the dentist for a 6 monthly check-up!

We wanted to note when teaching children about food – it is better for us to label food as either “sometimes food” or “everyday food” and not “good” or “bad” food. This is important to avoid our children forming an unhealthy relationship with food which usually lead to eating disorders. What is “bad” food can be “ok” in moderate or small amounts if taken infrequently.
However, if we try to cut it completely then a bad association may arise and create problems down the line.

After our zoom session, we provided all centers and children activities to complete with their parents! Here are some pictures of their amazing work!

dental hygine

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