Why it's Important to deal with an Accredited Mobile Dental Clinic - Like Impact Mobile Dental Service?
When entrusting a service to provide to your centre, school or aged-care; it’s critical to make sure that you are dealing with an experienced and accredited practitioners. IMDS is very proud to be one of few mobile dental services in Australia.
Accreditation ensures that we are meeting the highest industry standards and we are part of an association that helps us stay on top of the latest updates and changes which may improve the practice of dentistry.
It basically provides you with a peace of mind that the service you are dealing with has met the strict guidelines on infection control, hygiene and skills set by the Australian Dental Association.
Accreditation is a voluntary process which is lengthy and involves significant costs. However we chose to do it regardless as we believe it is an investment in you and our patients. We took the extra measure to provide you with the comfort & security you deserve.
As part of an accredited dental clinic, we:
- Use the best practice systems
- Are committed to CANI (Continuous And Never Ending Improvement) and to upholding high standards of dental practice
- Adhere to National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards